Connecting through community

This year I'll be crafting a heart-lead collection of workshops and one-time offerings around cyclical living & small business.

Whether this be virtual or in-person, I hope you'll resonate with what I create for this cyclical, creative and MAGICAL community here. They're called the Mixed Tape series because they're typically one-off type events, collaborations with other creators, or offerings I want to share with people who are new to my community and my work.

If you want to be the first to know when these new offerings are launched, please join my mailing list here. The folks there will always have access before anyone else.

Nourishing the menstrual eco-system

During this 60-minute masterclass, we will cover everything we should have learned when we were teenagers (well, almost everything).

We will explore the key ways we can support our menstrual health over an entire cycle, including nutrition, sleep health, "normal" periods and more. This foundational information can help reduce PMS symptoms and period pain, and improve overall quality of life.

** This masterclass will not diagnose any medical issues you may uncover, but might empower you to speak with your GP.

Dropping Thursday April 25th, this pre-recorded masterclass is suitable for menstruators of any age. Pre-order before launch day & save £15!

We're connecting the dots between living cyclically & exploring our creativity by...
  • Exploring the creative cycle phases,
  • Learning to chart your art, plus,
  • A special preview just for you.

This method can help align you with your creative flow + tap into your superpowers each week, allowing creativity to feel a bit more easeful.
We're learning the basics about our reproductive system, including…
  • Our monthly hormonal rhythms,
  • How we ovulate, and,
  • An intro to cervical mucus.

This information will be foundational if you're curious about eventually learning the fertility awareness method of birth control (an offering that's coming this summer!)
We're covering some basics around the fertility awareness method, including…
  • A wee overview of male + female biology,
  • How we ovulate & become pregnant, and,
  • What to expect from this method.

This workshop is a preview for my incoming fertility awareness method course, allowing you (and your partner) to see if this might interest you… and I think it will. ;)

Here at Finding Julian, there's no need for gatekeeping. I periodically host free workshops for my wee community & share them here for future members to enjoy, too!

This is a re-record of a free workshop I hosted back in 2022, covering all the basics of cycle charting.

Here's what you'll learn:
- What our reproductive hormones are doing throughout our entire cycle,
- How to connect with the seasonal framework of cyclical living, and,
- The best way to chart your menstrual cycle and use your observations!

I hosted a live workshop teaching how to use your menstrual cycle to tune into your own inner voice & gain clarity on your unique purpose. 

Here's what we covered:
- Exploring cyclical archetypes & their lessons,
- Tuning into our superpowers & refining our goals, and,
- Unleashing the beast. It's going to be a fun one.

Referrals from folks who have worked with me before are the best way to get to know me and how I approach the work I do.

Whether they're from my first online course or previous coaching clients, their feedback and reviews mean the world to me. Wow.

Some sincerely heart-warming reviews & testimonials from my previous events...

Want to hear about what's coming next?

I'm a certified ideas factory, and I'm constantly brainstorming new offerings, workshops and courses!

Stay in the loop by joining my mailing list.