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What the heck is cyclical living?

Exploring a lifestyle aligned with the cycles around us.

Cyclical living is the practice of living in tune with your menstrual cycle, and with the various cycles all around us: nature’s seasons, the lunar cycle, the energies of each day, the creative cycle, and even our own life cycle.

Our menstrual cycles and the fluctuating rhythm of our hormones are so intertwined and rooted within our physical bodies that they affect just about everything about us, from our productivity and emotions to our appetite and energy levels.

Many of us were never taught this lifestyle, how our bodies actually work or how we can connect with the superpowers and strengths within our natural menstrual cycles. But by tuning into the four phases of your menstrual cycle and noticing the dance your hormones do month-over-month, and then charting your own experience with these cycles, we can begin to notice patterns and use these familiarities to our advantage.

Cyclical living provides clarity around our human experience as women & menstruators.

As females, we are the more predictable sex hormonally. Every month, our brains and ovaries do the same routine in their best collaborative attempt to get pregnant. With this in mind, we can begin to align our lifestyle, our business, our creativity, even our social calendar with our menstrual cycle.

Just like we may feel more tired in the winter months and more social when the summer sun is slashing down across the perfect outdoor patio, we feel differently in each menstrual cycle phase. Each week brings a new energy, a new focus, and new shadows (this is where working with a menstrual cycle coach may come in handy!)

Cyclical living is a long-lost art, a homecoming for many women and menstruators. When I explain the work I do, there’s always a lightbulb moment amongst the women I’m speaking with because we inherently know we feel differently throughout the month… we maybe just didn’t realize the repetitive, cyclical nature of those thoughts and feelings.

From this foundation, there are so many avenues to explore and yet the basics of cyclical living will always be to chart your own menstrual cycle and learn how you feel throughout the month. Start there.

Tell me: Are you familiar with cyclical living? What else would you love to learn about this lifestyle?

xo Lauren

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  1. […] you follow me on Instagram (or if you’re familiar with cyclical living), then you may have heard me mention an inner season or […]

  2. […] the practice of living in sync with your menstrual cycle is so new, I often receive questions from women, menstruators and other humans about if they can […]

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Cycle charting is the practice of journaling how you’re feeling mentally, physically and spiritually each day with the hope of discovering monthly patterns in your behaviour and emotions, as dictated by your menstrual cycle.


"The more I dive into this place, the more I find comfort in the uncomfortable, the more I begin to notice the shifts in my mental landscape. How my mind, my body, and my spirit react to these creative endeavours differently week by week..."

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Finding julian

"You are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, smarter than you think and loved more than you'll ever know." - A.A. Milne


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