Menstrual Cycle

What is a menstrual cycle coach?

Lauren Hughes, a menstrual cycle coach, is picture laughing.

And what does a menstrual cycle coach do?

Since switching to working full-time in my business two years ago, there have been many conversations around what it is I do exactly. Curious parents-in-law, well-meaning strangers, potential new clients all ask… what is a menstrual cycle coach? What does a menstrual cycle coach do?

And, more importantly, how can a menstrual cycle coach help me?

Here’s what I say: I teach women and menstruators to live aligned with their menstrual cycle and use the rhythm of their hormones to grow their businesses sustainably, find more rest and ease in their day, and understand the body they inhabit more deeply. That’s just me though, and I typically attract and work with small business owners and entrepreneurs, so it makes sense to relate to their creative cycle, too.

A menstrual cycle coach teaches their clients about the four phases of their cycle, to chart their unique cycle and to then use those findings and self-reported data to make informed decisions around their health, habits and lifestyle.

We empower women and menstruators by teaching them how to understand the language of their body, how their hormones affect their physical, emotional, and mental well-being, and how to then use the knowledge they gain to plan accordingly. When you understand how predictable your cycle actually is, then you can better prepare for upcoming events, social engagements, work projects, etc.

Beyond this basic planning tool, you will eventually gain more grace and insight into your unique rhythms and shifts. Together we can develop a self-care toolkit that will support and nourish you, whether you have the freedom to black out your calendar around your bleed or you have to pour into yourself on the move. You’ll be able to wake up each day and know what you and your body needs to feel good, you’ll be able to meet change and disruptions with confidence and ease.

Menstrual Cycle Coaches Karen Chiu, Kristie Becker, Nat Daudet, Zoe Brownrigg, Claire Baker and Lauren Hughes.

(Pictured above are some of my menstrual cycle coaching sisters: Karen Chiu, Kristie Becker, Nat Daudet, Zoe Brownrigg, Claire Baker… and me, obviously.)

How can a menstrual cycle coach help me?

Our hormones affect every facet of our lives. So when you ask, what does a menstrual cycle coach do or what can they help me with? The answer is everything.

If you’re feeling burnt out and experience wicked PMS symptoms, they can help. If you have painful bleeds and resent your cycle, they can help. If you struggle to create your art, care for your family, receive support, or understand your varying moods, they can help.

A menstrual cycle coach cannot diagnose your menstrual problems such as endometriosis or PCOS (unless they have additional certifications), but they can empower you with knowledge and support you as you speak with your GP. They can highlight when a period isn’t “normal,” when your symptoms seem extreme or when your feelings are valid and you do deserve answers… which is usually always. Plus, they’ll be able to teach you to chart your symptoms, log your emotions and create a unique-to-you database that you can then present to your GP.

From there, menstrual cycle coaches may specialize in a variety of areas. I specialize in using the menstrual cycle to connect with creativity, create sustainable businesses and support entrepreneurs. I’m also certified in teaching the fertility awareness method of birth control, which has added depth to my knowledge and ability to support my clients.

Some folks have pursued healing hormones through nutrition, some combine it with movement like dance or yoga, some connect it with self-development, fertility, or other therapies. If you’re curious about something specific, send me a message and I’d be happy to refer you to a fellow menstrual cycle coach!

Where can I find a menstrual cycle coach?

Well, hello, I’m a menstrual cycle coach. If you’re curious about exploring cyclical living in relation to your small business, creativity or manifestation, then I’m your woman. Let’s work together!

There’s also a brilliant database through the school that certified me as a menstrual cycle coach, the Cycle Coach School founded by the magical, brilliant Claire Baker. You can access the database and all the amazing coaches here!

Did I answer your question? If you still have something on your mind, drop a comment and I’ll respond as soon as possible. This modality is definitely newer, but it’s here to stay.

xx Lauren

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Cycle charting is the practice of journaling how you’re feeling mentally, physically and spiritually each day with the hope of discovering monthly patterns in your behaviour and emotions, as dictated by your menstrual cycle.


"The more I dive into this place, the more I find comfort in the uncomfortable, the more I begin to notice the shifts in my mental landscape. How my mind, my body, and my spirit react to these creative endeavours differently week by week..."

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"You are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, smarter than you think and loved more than you'll ever know." - A.A. Milne


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