“Go for a walk in nature,” “Touch grass,” “Have you tried wild swimming?”
Advice and words that sound redundant or so common they become annoying. Surely sunshine won’t cure me, a wander around the block won’t make me feel better, touching flowers won’t do a thing.
Or maybe you disagree with all of the above and already know the magic of nature, but making time for it ends up at the bottom of your to-do list. The easiest item to be cut when bills are piling up & dinner needs cooking.
Either way, our disconnection from the natural world is our biggest disadvantage as human beings.
This week I had an encounter with a medical doctor and while I will always advocate for talking with your GP for certain issues, I couldn’t help but notice the disconnect.
There were no questions around nutrition, quantity of calories or protein consumed, exercise, time spent outdoors, nothing. Just a series of (necessary) medications prescribed, without any regard for the holistic picture.
It’s moments like these I’m grateful for my education as a menstrual cycle coach & fertility awareness method educator. My knowledge of the body as a WHOLE, the foundational practices for our overall health, and the importance of connecting to nature.
Time and time again I note the power of a very, very long walk through the trees, touching flowers and leaves as I pass them, then sitting in the grass with my bare feet digging into the earth and sunshine pouring onto my tear-streaked face. The inhales and exhales interspersed with birdsong.
I’ll never deny the power of medicine and our medical advances.
But some days nature takes the best care of us. Some days it is really as simple as taking care of our physical bodies, and letting the mental and emotional pieces fall into place afterwards.
What’s your experience with letting nature heal you? Have you encountered a doctor or practitioner you especially loved because of their holistic approach? How did it feel different?
I’m off to touch some trees.
xx Lauren
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